For the article I wrote recently on web design galleries, I compiled a table of the galleries in a MySQL database. To be able to display the table and the associated charts and other statistics that went with it, I needed to be able to connect to this external database from within Wordpress.
Recently I had to add basic shopping cart functionality to a site that had been built with ExpressionEngine (my CMS of choice). “No problem,” I thought; I can use the Simple Commerce Module (SCM), which as the names suggests, is ideally suited to simple ecommerce requirements, and which I had used before on other EE sites.
I just encountered a problem installing the TinyMCE editor on an install of ExpressionEngine – all the files were uploaded correctly and the extension to get it working in ExpressionEngine was uploaded and properly activated, but the editor wouldn't appear in Firefox 2 (other browsers were fine).
I found the solution to the problem at Tis How I Code. There's also some further discussion of the issue on the Moxiecode forum.
If you've installed ExpressionEngine but find you get a 'No input file specified' error message on anything but the home page of the site, chances are it's because your server doesn't support the path_info server variable.